Prof. Zhisheng Huang
Prof. Zhisheng Huang

Prof. Zhisheng Huang

Prof. Zhisheng Huang

Free University (VU), Amsterdam, The Netherlands

EiC of Journal of Artificial Intelligence for Medical Sciences

Speech Title: Knowledge Grapphs:  Technology and Application 

Knowledge Graph is a large scale semantic network consisting of entities and concepts as well as the semantic relationships among them, using Web-based knowledge representation languages such as RDF, RDF Schema, or OWL (Web Ontology Language). Such knowledge graphs are used in the construction of many knowledge-based applications in various application domains. In medicine, knowledge graph technology has been widely used for extracting information from patient records, personalized medicine which supports for co-morbidity analysis, data integration on drugs and their interactions, and many others. In this talk, we will present various technology of knowledge graphs, which include how we can construct knowledge graphs from heterogeneous knowledge and data resources. We will show several typical applications of disease-specific knowledge graphs such as Knowledge Graphs of Depression.


Professor Zhisheng Huang is a tenured senior researcher at the department of Artificial Intelligence of VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands, and a full professor at the School of Computer Science and Engineering of Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China. Prof. Huang obtained the doctorate degree in computer science and logics in the University of Amsterdam in 1994. He has published more than 200 papers, and more than 9 books in Artificial Intelligence, logics, and multimedia. He received the best paper award for the paper entitled “Feasibility Estimation for Clinical Trials” at the 2014 International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF/BIOSTEC).